Sunday, 11 March 2012

S H O O T O N E , P A P E R

YES! I created my first final look for my book today and I am delighted with the outcome. I finally feel asthough I have created an image that looks futuristic. With the illuminated complexion and the metallic lip mixing well with the white eye makeup I feel everything ties together very well. During the shoot I blended the cones into the skin with screenface moulding putty, and went over the putty with white to blend into the skin and cone. The main problem I had with this was that every time the model moved the putty on the neck detached itself from the skin leaving a gap (as you can see from the top image). After numerous attempts to re-stick the cones  it was apparent that unfortunately some of the images do show the gap. Therefore if I am to choose one of these I will have to blend it into the skin using photoshop, however I want to try to avoid this and the images appearing too re-touched. By avoiding over-editing I feel this will be an important step in representing the idea of adorning the body using materials as well as makeup, and not through post production.

I shot some simple images trying out a variety of styles and by positioning the camera from a range of angles. To compliment the frosty look I used a blue cellophane over the light on one side, thus creating a subtle yet effective shade of blue adding cold, futuristic elements to the image that developed a clearer concept. I also changed the exposure on the camera settings and began experimenting with movement, a look I had wanted to fashion from the beginning. This in turn achieved movement that softens the image without taking away any power.

Please see below a range of images from todays shoot, I have tried to include a variety to show the different effects created using both lighting and cellophane. Also included is a close up image to show the cones in detail. All of these images have not been re-touched.

Photographer, MUA and concept: Lauren Banner. 
Assistant: Allie Meek.

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